North American | European

Highs and lows in Morocco. Photos and words by Dan Crockett.

“I'm not interested in formulae when it comes to surfing and art.” Ryan Lovelace talks to Chris Preston about trusting your eyes, hands, and feet, and adding another leaf to the weird-hull-alternative-vibe-tree. Photos: Morgan Maasen, Brandon DiPierri & Ryan Lovelace

Devastated by more than a decade of civil war, the Republic of Liberia is still in a serious state of flux. Could surfing bring a new hope and more peaceful future to this West African nation? Words & photos: Nicholai Lidow & Kate Thomas. Additional photos: Ted Grambeau & Jamie Bott

Following the demise of Clark Foam, 'eco' boards and alternatives to petro-chemical products have been the focus of developments in surfboard technology. Words: Mark Sankey Photos: Alexa Poppe

Rebel wave riders on a mission to enlighten the Western world to the true culture of the Middle East, blakkbox redefine the notion of surfers as beach bums who only care about the next wave. Photos: Cole Estrada & Anthony Allen

In early 2008, longtime buddies Billy Hume, Jeff Myers, Joey Carter and Ben McBrien got together for a trip off the beaten track trip in search of waves and adventure. They headed for the icy waters of Alaska... Words: Jeff Myers Photos: Nick LaVecchia

//end second call for randoms ?>

Aventuras de Polvo y Salitre

March 01, 2010 | Words By: Niega

expo-ion-eiza-opener Ion Eizaguirre, one of the best Spanish longboarders, amazing shortboarder, proficient alaia rider, longboarding festival organizer, co-author of one of the best surf blogs launched in recent times, photographer and traveller from Zarautz is exposing his travelling photos in Bilbao.


The A.C.L. is back… or so it seems

January 25, 2010 | Words By: Niega

aclIt looks like 2010 will be a good year for Spanish longboarders with a merry spirit. Not only the Longboard Festival de Salinas 2010 promises to get even bigger and better, but the A.C.L. might be back.


Life and surf in Barcelona (and II)

January 11, 2010 | Words By: Niega

txiki3Check the first part of this feature HERE.


Life and surf in Barcelona (I)

January 04, 2010 | Words By: Niega

txiki Surfing in Barcelona is not an oxymoron. As most dedicated surfers know well, the Mediterranean produces some great waves when all the elements come together.


Last Paddle Of The Year

December 11, 2009 | Words By: Niega

1-san-silvestre-surfera2What’s your plan for New Year’s Eve? Dinner at home and then hitting the pub? Camping under the stars with some friends? Welcoming the new year around a bonfire on a deserted beach?


Portfolio - Jaider Lozano

July 18, 2009 | Words By: Angela

opener22Nací hace 24 años (enero , 1985) en un barrio a las afueras de Aviles, ciudad de la costa central Asturiana, Norte de España. Empecé a sacar fotos a los 21 años, poco tiempo después de comenzar a hacer surf, cuando por casualidad llego a mis manos mi primera camara digital. (Also in English below…)