A fantastic and fantastical series created by artist, Kate Barattini, an American surfer that sees her fellow sliders for the marvelous animals they really are.
While surfers shred and glide they are exposing the truest parts of their animal existence. Beautiful, fearless, aloof, every style unique. For many surfing is a fleshly pleasure that allow surfers, no matter the craft, an opportunity to hold no remorse just as non-human animals experience all of their lives. It is something that Kate had to release from her mind and share with anyone who would like to be stoked.
Kate spent countless hours trawling through images of surfers that she thought beckoned for a new and improved animal head
“Animal Shred was inspired by people. The surfing kind of people. While all folks are animals all of the time, when we find the water we’re absolute animals, and it is evident when looking through photos of my favorite sliders.
“This whole idea began when this one photo of Kassia Meador surfing in Mexico caught my eye. She’s hanging heels in the image and all my mind could think was, ‘man, that would look stunning if she had monarch butterfly wings’.” Kate told Drift
Kate spent countless hours trawling through images of surfers that she thought beckoned for a new and improved animal head.
“Many of the bodies used in the paintings were inspired by the surfers Craig Anderson, Alex Knost, and Kassia Meador. They’re all surfers known for their very rad, unique styles and I personally cannot keep my eyes off of them when they’re in the water.” She added.
To see more of Kate’s work visit www.animalshred.com
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