North American | European

Hidden away in a Falmouth boatyard among the classic lines of traditional timber ships is an unusual surfboard factory: one in which the boards are finished with wood and natural oils. Here tradition meets modernism. This is Glass Tiger. Words: Mark Sankey Action photos: Kirstin Prisk Other photos & design: Alexa Poppe

When legendary longboard designer Bob McTavish came to Devon recently as part of TIKI's international shaper tour, Chris Preston couldn't resist the opportunity to quiz him about the technicalities of board design... Photos: Jamie Bott

A shaper with a real passion for his craft, Tyler Hatzikian has consistently refused to compromise the quality or the integrity of his work in order to make a quick buck. He talked to Drift about nose-riding, refining longboard design and his reluctance to take the limelight. Words & photos: Jamie Bott

Drift tracked down Mark Jeremias and Jason Baffa, directors of ‘Singlefin: Yellow’, to talk about their new project, ‘One California Day’, and find out their thoughts on surf culture and tradition from Crescent City to Imperial Beach. Words: Jamie Bott

Joe Curren is the surfing equivalent of old growth, his style in the water and behind a lens is deeply rooted, contemplative and quietly powerful. Jair Bortoleto caught up with Joe to talk about family, travel, and shooting analogue in the digital age. Words: Jair Bortoleto Photos: Joe Curren

Flitting between awesome waves at Aileens and Nelscott Reef is all in a week's work for Ireland's big-wave master Al Mennie. Words: Al Mennie Photos: Al Mennie, Gary McCall, Larry Jansky, Richard Hallman

//end second call for randoms ?>

An inconvenient truth

March 01, 2010 | Words By: Howard

rip_curl_environment I’ll wager that each one of us spends a fair amount of money each year on surf gear – so why do we so readily accept poorly made items, obviously designed to buoy up manufacturers’ turnover at our own expense?

This is the story of my Rip Curl F-Bomb wetsuit, of why not all publicity is good publicity, and why we are all encouraged to consume more and conserve less…


Queen Bee

January 22, 2010 | Words By: Katy

belinda-baggsAustralian longboarder Belinda Baggs’ graceful surfing style makes her one of the most instantly recognisable female gliders. Deeply insightful and highly in tune with nature and her surroundings, her love of the ocean has not only seen her surfing waves all over the world but also try to give a little back, offering help by bringing supplies to communities struggling in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami and acting as an ambassador for environmental awareness.



July 27, 2009 | Words By: Chris P

inspiration1I am a sucker for coffee table books about surfing and Bend to Baja is one of my favorites.


Substituted by blue

July 17, 2009 | Words By: Angela

belinda-hangs-fiveIf you haven’t already, check out our feature by Dane Peterson and Belinda Peterson-Baggs, ‘Substituted by blue’. In association with Patagonia, they also documented their trip on film, and it’s well worth a watch simply to revel in the beauty of Belinda’s graceful noseriding.