North American | European

“I'm not interested in formulae when it comes to surfing and art.” Ryan Lovelace talks to Chris Preston about trusting your eyes, hands, and feet, and adding another leaf to the weird-hull-alternative-vibe-tree. Photos: Morgan Maasen, Brandon DiPierri & Ryan Lovelace

Flitting between awesome waves at Aileens and Nelscott Reef is all in a week's work for Ireland's big-wave master Al Mennie. Words: Al Mennie Photos: Al Mennie, Gary McCall, Larry Jansky, Richard Hallman

Chris Preston chats to longboard maestro Steve Walden about his disappointment with the lack of recognition for the longboarding scene, what makes the Magic model magic, and working with GSI. Photos: Jamie Bott

Two of the most influential people on the surf-inspired art scene, Jeff Raglus and Gerry Wedd have been making their mark on everything from surfboards to teapots since the 1970s. Thirty years later, they're still as productive as ever... Words: Tommy Leitch Photos: Jamie Bott

One of the great things about surfing in this current era is the wide acceptance of different board designs. Over the last 10 years, it has become acceptable to pretty much ride anything from surfmat to singlefin, fish to longboard. Words: Chris Preston Photo (2): Dan Crockett

The annual Fish Fry on Australia's Gold Coast gives shapers a non-commercial, non-competitive opportunity to come together and share ideas in a shameless celebration of the fabulous fish. Words: Tommy Leitch Photos: Jamie Bott

//end second call for randoms ?>

The A.C.L. is back… or so it seems

January 25, 2010 | Words By: Niega

aclIt looks like 2010 will be a good year for Spanish longboarders with a merry spirit. Not only the Longboard Festival de Salinas 2010 promises to get even bigger and better, but the A.C.L. might be back.


Life and surf in Barcelona (and II)

January 11, 2010 | Words By: Niega

txiki3Check the first part of this feature HERE.


Life and surf in Barcelona (I)

January 04, 2010 | Words By: Niega

txiki Surfing in Barcelona is not an oxymoron. As most dedicated surfers know well, the Mediterranean produces some great waves when all the elements come together.


Last Paddle Of The Year

December 11, 2009 | Words By: Niega

1-san-silvestre-surfera2What’s your plan for New Year’s Eve? Dinner at home and then hitting the pub? Camping under the stars with some friends? Welcoming the new year around a bonfire on a deserted beach?


Onwards to India

November 29, 2009 | Words By: Ed

portugal_openerOur final fortnight in Portugal was a blur of surf, fishing, barbeques, bonfires, good company and good bottles of wine, all crowned by three days of modest drives through Spain via the medieval university town of Salamanca to stormy Bilbao to await passage home aboard ‘The Pride of Bilbao’.


Guillermo in Gijón

November 07, 2009 | Words By: Angela

guillermo_cartel-openDrift blogger, Spanish castaway and fabulous photographer Guillermo Álvarez Pando has a selection of his work on display at Galería Mediadvanced in Gijón until 15 November. If you’re in the area, pop in and take a look.


Mundaka memories

October 21, 2009 | Words By: Mick

mundaka-80-tube-openWatching the Mundaka contest recently had me casting my mind back to my first sighting of that fabled sandbar way back in 1978.


Onwards to Galicia

October 20, 2009 | Words By: Ed

galicia-openOver a week and probably 1,000 miles have passed since my last rambling, time which has seen Spain, my first published piece in the Guardian and my birthday come and go. After Zarautz we swung by San Sebastian to find it was (pretty much) closed for winter; then we hoofed it across the top of Spain, speeding by Mundaka, Rodiles and other world-class waves as the drizzle descended, taking the swell with it.


Surf Film Festival Ciudad de Santander

October 20, 2009 | Words By: Howard

surf_film_festivalDel 11 al 15 de noviembre, una vez mas, tendrá lugar la celebración del 04 Surf Film Festival Ciudad de Santander, organizado por el Ayuntamiento de Santander, con la colaboración de La Caixa, la imprenta Ter, El Diario Montañés, Onda Cero y este año con la colaboración de la revista norteamericana Surfer.


Zarautz working

October 17, 2009 | Words By: Ed

7th-openTurquoise turned to jade green which merged with a deeper grey-blue sliding into seafoam green fragmenting into golden yellow, duck-egg blue and a cool fathomless green…


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