Surfing the Severn
How many surf spots are there where you can catch the same wave three times or more, and rack up minutes of ride time?
How many surf spots are there where you can catch the same wave three times or more, and rack up minutes of ride time?
Thankfully, in percentage terms, not a great deal of the worlds coastlines are developed and paved over, or have beach access blocked by big private houses.
Batten down the hatches and bed in for the winter.
Check the weather charts every day.
Explore the reef on spring low tides.
Get to be so that you tell the time by the tide and not the tide by the time.
Be patient.
Tell the boss your car wouldn’t start.
Everybody has to pay their dues some time or another. Whether you do so in small, regular installments or save it up for the mother of all beatings, like my friend Ando, pictured here, is neither here nor there. We’ve all gotta pay… [Photos taken by Tim Delaney, punishment taken by Paul Anderson.]
It’s a relatively simple idea: you’re to be castaway on a desert island, and you must choose the eight records that you can have with you to while away the hours lazing under a palm tree next to the lagoon. Assuming of course that you haven’t smuggled your i-life with you.
You’ll have experienced it if you’ve ever wandered a little way off the beaten track, and if you’re carrying surfboards with you then it’s a dead cert.