Tyler Warren's star is burning bright; his images feature prominently in magazines and his name's on everyone's lips right now, yet he pilots a steady course through the hype. Words: Chris Preston Photos: Kyle MacLennan

From WQS warrior to independent filmmaker via a AUS$27,000 debt, Johnny Abegg has trod an unconventional path through life so far, and proves that a relentlessly positive outlook and upbeat character can see you through the toughest times... Words: Mark Sankey Photos: Johnny Abegg

Photographer Ben Thouard joins the Oxbow team aboard the Windward as they trawl pristine Pacific atolls in search of adventure, virgin waves and new opportunities.

When the ‘Apocalypse Now’ film crew packed up and left the Philippine coastal town of Baler, they left one important item behind – a surfboard. More than 30 years on and this quiet backwater is home to a stoked crew of welcoming locals. Words: Mark Sankey Photos: Alexa Poppe

Big-wave riding is an awe-inspiring experience, but what happens when things go wrong? In an exclusive extract from his new book, Al Mennie explains what it's like to survive the mother of all wipeouts.

Chris Preston chats to longboard maestro Steve Walden about his disappointment with the lack of recognition for the longboarding scene, what makes the Magic model magic, and working with GSI. Photos: Jamie Bott

Axi Muniain interview 2011

June 03, 2011 | Words By: Staff Writer

A reflection on Naturgas Big Wave 2011 with Axier Muniain.


Zinematik in Zarautz, Basque Country

August 27, 2010 | Words By: Staff Writer

Xabier Irure invites you to this Basque Country surfing event tonight, then on the 10th September and the 17th September.


Bodhi’s back!!

June 02, 2010 | Words By: Niega

openerLeave your metal coffins behind and come and join us for the first 3D analog screening of the cult movie Point Break!!


One Day In Woolacombe

May 13, 2010 | Words By: Niega

oneday-in-woolacombeOne Day in Woolacombe by Richard Gregory of Wavedreamer.co.uk.. A very nice entry to The Surf Short Film Contest within the Amstel Surfilm Festibal.


Idiosyncrasies at The Amstel Surfilm Festibal

May 09, 2010 | Words By: Niega

harborbillopenerPatrick Trefz, who left us speechless a couple of years ago with Thread, is now presenting us with stills of his latest project: Idiosyncrasies.


The Amstel Surfilm FestiBaila Lineup

May 03, 2010 | Words By: Niega

opener1The Amstel Surfilm Festibal has a sibling that rocks the nights: the Amstel Surfilm FestiBaila (Donostia - San Sebastián, 11-12 June). FULL STORY »

180º South at the Amstel Surfilm Festibal

April 30, 2010 | Words By: Niega

openerThe dates of the Amstel Surfilm Festibal (June 4-13, 2010) are getting nearer and we’ve decided to let you know some bits here and there so you can start frothing.


Tristan Mausse

March 29, 2010 | Words By: Niega

opener4I started following Tristan Mausse through his blog back when he was glassing for the French brand UWL. Shortly after he left Europe with his girlfriend to travel the world, and they settled down for an extended surf/work trip in Australia, (…)