North American | European

Flitting between awesome waves at Aileens and Nelscott Reef is all in a week's work for Ireland's big-wave master Al Mennie. Words: Al Mennie Photos: Al Mennie, Gary McCall, Larry Jansky, Richard Hallman

Al Knost is one of the best sliders around and has a close connection with a scene far removed from the modern marketplace hustle. Ryan Tatar tracked him down with his project partner Tyler Manson and gave us an insight into their freshest work. Words: Ryan Tatar Photos: Jamie Bott & Tyler Manson

Chris Preston chats to longboard maestro Steve Walden about his disappointment with the lack of recognition for the longboarding scene, what makes the Magic model magic, and working with GSI. Photos: Jamie Bott

The annual Fish Fry on Australia's Gold Coast gives shapers a non-commercial, non-competitive opportunity to come together and share ideas in a shameless celebration of the fabulous fish. Words: Tommy Leitch Photos: Jamie Bott

Dane Peterson and Belinda Peterson-Baggs recently travelled to Indonesia with aid supplies that are still much in demand nearly four years after the tsunami... Words: Belinda Peterson-Baggs Photos: Dane Peterson; Adam Kobayashi

Looking to the future with an eye firmly on the past, Tom Wegener has reintroduced the transport of kings to surfing's elite. His boards are works of art, but it's his veg patch that really floating Tom's boat right now... Words: Tommy Leitch Photos: Jamie Bott

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Padang Earthquake Appeal

October 02, 2009 | Words By: jamie

mentawaisRegular readers will know that I travelled to the Mentawais back in April of this year. So when news of the tsunami struck, I was more than usually worried about the fate of the folk out there.

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Meet Mr B

August 06, 2009 | Words By: christiaan bailey


Mr B, whose fourth film, ‘21 Days Later’, is out this month on DVD, chats to Christiaan Bailey about his work, trying to extract money from the surf industry, and the British surf film scene…

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Mentawais 2009|slideshow

July 14, 2009 | Words By: jamie

mentawaisBack in April I made a trip to the Mentawai Islands, which are situated several hours West of Sumatra in Indonesia. Usually with these sort of  trips I’m hellbent on getting the best possible shots I can for whichever magazine I’m shooting for and don’t get to surf much.

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